Choice Blog 2- The Crooked Forest (SSR)


I came across a blog about curious places around the world. The particular post that I found was all about the Crooked Forest, located near Gryfino, Poland. This is a forest that consists of about 400 tress, all mysteriously formed with a near 90 degree angle twist at the base of their trunks. Here is a picture of their odd formation:

Mysterious Crooked Forest in West Pomerania, Poland

This blog post claims that carpenters shaped these trees when they were planted (approximately in the 1930’s) to use for furniture. However, after reading some of the contradicting comments, I became skeptical about the valadity of this statement and decided to do some further research. I found on the Ripley’s Believe It or Not website that these pine trees are indeed a complete mystery. Although the dominant theory is that the forest resulted because of a “man-made curvature”, other less-popular theories suggest that there was some sort of magical factor involved in their odd uniformity. The intriguing explanation that their was some human interference in their formation is further explained here, where it states that a group of farmers intended to harvest them after ten years. However, it is theorized that World War II interrupted their plans.


I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about this forest that is intriguing. There are only a few places in the world that are like the Crooked Forest; places that are characterized by odd qualities with little explanation as to why they are the way they are. For instance, the mystery of Easter Island in Polynesia. Nearly 900 elephantine statues, called moai, were constructed by the Rapa Nui people. We know this, but there is still no solidification as to why the statues were erected in the first place. We explored and assessed some case studies on this in APES towards the beginning of the year, and I was extremely interested in it. I am the kind of person who likes to ponder the possibilities of a situation, but I also want an answer. These kinds of places around the world are frustrating because there is no clear answer as to why they possess these quirks, but at the same time I truly enjoy exploring the theories and possibilities that surround them. Something that I would love to do is a visit one of these mysterious locations. I believe that being able to have that experience would be almost enlightening in a way, because it allows you to see some of natures true mysteries.

5 Comments on Choice Blog 2- The Crooked Forest (SSR)

  1. desireet214
    April 7, 2014 at 7:40 pm (10 years ago)

    This is really cool story and interesting trees. I feel the same way about these type of things, that its cool the mystery they have yet I would like an answer to why this happened. I would love to go back in time to see how they were really formed like that but sometimes guessing is half the fun and these were some interesting ideas on how they were formed.

  2. ankitas314
    April 8, 2014 at 4:52 pm (10 years ago)

    There is a lot we don’t know about our planet and these oddities are just hotpots of mystery. i saddens me that most of these questions won’t find their answers until we’re long gone, especially things concerning the universe and deep ocean. The supernatural explanation is the easiest to believe but I believe the wait is worthwhile to find the science behind it. I’m glad you take interest in these sort of things, maybe you’ll be the one to find some of the answers!

  3. cynthiar214
    April 8, 2014 at 10:58 pm (10 years ago)

    This was such a fascinating topic! I recently saw the picture you conveniently provided above while I was scrolling through my tumblr page and was curious about them. I’m glad you did this post because now I have a better understanding of how this spectacle came to be. In your post you state how frustrating these types of situations are for you but for me I think the fact that they are so mysterious makes them seem even more magical and fascinating. Although I would love to find out how this forest and many other wonders of the world came to be, I am completely content in not knowing since it adds more excitement to the discovery.

  4. emmal314
    April 9, 2014 at 1:57 am (10 years ago)

    Wow i think that this is really interesting!! I have never seen anything like it. I am really interested in what goes on in the world, and traveling and what not. I would like to visit a lot cool places some day. I really do wonder how this could have happened to these trees, or how deformations occur on any natural thing in the world, it jsut sort of happens!

  5. jen
    April 9, 2014 at 2:03 am (10 years ago)

    I know what you mean. Mysterious places like that intrigue me too, like the Aokigahara forest also known as the Suicide Forest in Japan. Phenomenons that are still unexplained to this day fascinate me so much. I’m dying to know more and put my own theories into place.


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