Choice Blog 3- If I Could Turn Back Time (FC)

I used the same website that I discovered in an earlier post to get an idea of what to write about in this this free choice post. This prompt, in particular, sparked some interest:

“If you could return to the past to relive a part of your life, either to experience the wonderful bits again, or to do something over, which part of your life would you return to? Why?”

This prompt holds so many possibilities for discussion. To start, there are certainly things in my life that I regret doing or saying (or in some cases not taking action), but even if I were given the chance to go back and time and change them, I don’t think that I would. I believe that you can only grow as a person if you make mistakes and leave your comfort zone, and having those experiences defines who you are and can make you a stronger person. However, I think that it would be extremely interesting to revisit parts of my life that I don’t remember from a spectators view. For instance, I remember hardly anything from when I was a toddler, so it could be interesting to go back and observe some of those memories.

This made me question what our world would be like if we did possess the ability to go back in time and alter things. I think that if that was possible, our world would be entirely different than it is today. One example is the many wars that have plagued our world’s history. Several major differences are apparent to me if we went backwards in time and altered things so that conflicts were not solved with fighting. Specifically territory, because war often results in the changing of boundaries and formation of new countries and geography also heavily influences culture. These factors can be considered at an individual level as well. Without war, there would inevitably be less loss of life which results in higher population levels and possibly faster industrialization. This would change the lives of so many people in places that are not as developed.

After considering these factors, I wonder if a world without war really is desirable. Of course, world peace seems like  great idea, but is it really even achievable? If we could go to the past and fix conflicts not by means of war, would we be living in a more peaceful world today? These are all questions that have sprouted because of this prompt, and I’m not sure if there is a solidified answer for any of them, however it is still interesting to ponder.

5 Comments on Choice Blog 3- If I Could Turn Back Time (FC)

  1. jamiecb214
    April 23, 2014 at 2:44 am (10 years ago)

    This is a really good post, Becca. I think this is a very interesting topic to think about. I wish there was a way to go back in time and relive moments or view them from the outside looking in. I agree that the world would be a very different place if this was possible. Many things could be avoided or changed if this was possible, but I’m not sure that’s what would be best for the world. Past experiences encourage growth and change in the future. I think that everything happens for a reason, even things that I regret or wish hasn’t happened.

  2. michellen2014
    April 23, 2014 at 2:47 am (10 years ago)

    I have made so many mistakes in my life and I am positive I am not alone. Sometimes I wish I could rewind cherish able moments and just keep rewinding them so that they never end. Sometimes, I wish I could fast forward dreaded or awkward moments. Other times, I wish i could change the past, but none of this is possible. When I think about this prompt, I realize one thing. We learn from the past. We realize what we want out of life and what we don’t want. I try to never make the same mistake twice.

  3. meghanakrishna2014
    April 23, 2014 at 3:53 am (10 years ago)

    I completely agree with you Becca! Going back in time would really be helpful for all the times I have made the wrong decision. Or when I think of better points to make in an argument. I also think if one was a person making extremely important decisions regarding children or society, in general, going back to certain times in our life would be helpful to reconsider some of those choices we may have made. However, if we always went back on moments in our life and changed our actions we may never learn any life lessons and may never become the evolved adult or human being each person should develop into.

  4. briany314
    April 23, 2014 at 10:14 pm (10 years ago)

    This is a really good post that does in fact spark interest in its audience. I believe that if society did have the ability to go back in time, life would be so much better. But the thing is, there are some things that are meant to be messed up. Sure, there are times where you want to go back and study harder for a test and say something that you forgot to say. But things like wars were meant for a reason. For example, WWII stimulated a boom in the economy as well as the opportunity for women to become employed. Things in history such as this occurred for a reason and should be left alone. Although it is truly cliche, if one traveled back in time and tampered with it, that tampering would affect something accidentally.

  5. lilyp214
    April 23, 2014 at 11:04 pm (10 years ago)

    This is a very interesting post! I like that you used the prompt to start a discussion that expanded beyond what the question was asking. There are countless things in my past that I wish I could go back and fix, but I agree that in the end those mistakes are important in developing character. I believe it’s important to let mistakes happen not only because it teaches new lessons, but also because if everyone were able to fix all of their mistakes, everyone would simply be perfect and there would be no differences between any two people.


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